. Bright Arrow Coaching.

Enriching Your Executive Team's Peer Relationships

[BA] Enriching Your Executive Team s Peer Relationships

Relationships are complicated, and the C-suite is no exception.

One of the biggest challenges for CEOs and their leadership teams is managing individual relationships within the team — especially during times of stress, urgency and uncertainty.

Successful executive teams know how to manage their individual relationships — and conflict — in healthy ways while uniting on the team’s purpose and goals. But this is easier said than done. After all, so many things can harm relationships among top executives: Ambition, poor communication, misaligned priorities, mistakes caused by stress and fatigue, resource conflicts and gossip.

How can CEOs build healthy relationships with their top executives — and help them do the same with each other?

Join Bright Arrow Coaching founder and CEO Tegan Trovato and Bright Arrow Executive Coach Cheryl Schofield for this webinar. They explain what makes for strong leadership team relationships, what can go wrong, and how you can steer your team around obstacles.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify healthy and not-so-healthy relationship dynamics.
  • Work through conflict in productive ways, keeping shared goals in mind.
  • Enlist 1:1 executive coaching to help teams move forward together.
 Watch on-demand now!

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